Registered Charity No: 252892 (England & Wales), SC039245 (Scotland).

As the leading kidney research charity in the UK, nothing is going to stop us in our urgent mission to end kidney disease. We’re here to be heard, to make a difference, to change the future. This is a disease that ruins and destroys lives. It must be stopped. Over the past 60 years, our research has made an impact. But kidney failure is rising, as are the factors contributing to it, such as diabetes and obesity. Today, we are more essential than ever.

There are estimated to be 7.2 million people in the UK currently living with chronic kidney disease, treatments can be gruelling and currently there is no cure.

Only research will end kidney disease. By leaving a gift to Kidney Research UK in your Will our fantastic doctors, nurses and scientists can continue their life-saving work and achieve a better life for those with kidney disease. Research can only happen with your support. Kidney disease ends here.