Competency-based interview (CBI) is now the method most used by employers to select applicants.

It is founded on the premise that “past behaviour is the best predictor of future performance”.

The implication is that behaviours are likely to be an enduring part of a candidate’s personality.

Given the CBI method relies on candidates sharing examples of their past experiences, younger applicants and/or those unfamiliar with this process may be disadvantaged and could struggle to provide appropriate evidence to demonstrate their suitability for a role at interview.   


To help candidates, the Law Society now offers training specifically designed for individuals seeking to enhance their interview skills. The intensive workshops would suit both novice applicants and those with some familiarity of the CBI process.

Learn new skills focused on the practical aspects of:

  • completing a strong competency-based application form (one that requires you to evidence relevant behaviours gained through your past achievements) and
  • performing at your best at interview (via modified mock interview).

Book early as places are limited to 10 delegates per course. Please click here to book your place to improve your CBI skills.
