Registered Charity No: 1001198 (England & Wales), SC042015 (Scotland), 1123 (Isle of Man).
If you have macular disease, or know someone who has, you’ll know how devastating it can be. The UK’s biggest cause of sight loss, it is cruel, isolating and incurable. To many, like Bill, diagnosis is “a real hammer blow”. “I’d always led an active life and been sporty. I didn’t understand why this had happened to me.”
There is only one way to beat macular disease. We must fund more world-class research to find a cure. After taking care of your loved ones, a gift in your Will to the Macular Society would do just that. 1 in 3 of the research projects we fund is possible thanks to gifts in Wills. Your gift would also make sure that no one ever has to face macular disease alone or without hope.
“It’s possible a cure won’t be found in time to help me” said Bill. “But the Society is funding research which will help lots of other people in future; that’s what matters most.”
Please remember us. Make your legacy a world without macular disease.