Goodricke Appeal Fund, The
The Goodricke Appeal Fund was established in December 1983 by an Ear, Nose and Throat Consultant at York Hospital. Several ENT Consultants and doctors have had a very close connection with the Fund ever since. They could see the need to provide the latest electronic equipment to help deaf children as soon as they were diagnosed. Unfortunately, such prompt help was usually not available through the Education Authority or Health Service.
Breast Cancer: The Susan Channon Breast Cancer Trust
When Susan Channon, a young mother, died of breast cancer over 20 years ago, her friends, family and colleagues formed the breast cancer charity that bears her name. The aims of this charity are to invest in the people who deliver care for breast cancer patients in the North of England and to allow doctors, nurses, physiotherapists and other health care professionals.
British Association for Cancer Research
BACR is a UK-registered charity uniting and supporting cancer scientists and cutting-edge cancer research in the UK and beyond. The Associations membership represents all aspects of clinical and experimental Research. The major function of the Association are to organise scientific meetings/workshops on cancer research within the UK, and to provide a platform for presentation of original clinical and experimental research.
Caring For Life
Caring For Life is a ministry whose aim is to provide genuine Christ-centred, loving support to people who are struggling in life and who are so often alone and unloved. We offer supported living homes, housing support in the community, and a programme of therapeutic daytime activities based at the charity’s farm.
Family Fund
Family Fund is the UK’s largest charity providing grants for families raising disabled or seriously ill children and young people. We have been supporting families for over 40 years, and provide grants for a wide range of items, such as washing machines, sensory toys, family breaks, bedding, tablets, furniture, outdoor play equipment, clothing and computers.
Great North Air Ambulance Service
Swooping in from the skies, the Great North Air Ambulance Service (GNAAS) fulfils community-powered emergency care across the North-East, North Yorkshire and Cumbria. Operating three helicopters, 365 days a year, GNAAS crews respond to over 1,500 call outs each year. Onboard each aircraft are specialist trauma doctors and paramedics, who bring accident and emergency expertise to the scene.
Heart Research UK
Heart Research UK is dedicated to creating a future free from heart diseases. Every five minutes, someone dies from heart diseases in the UK, that’s almost 100,000 needless deaths every year. By leaving a gift in your Will to our charity, you will help us discover the next breakthrough in treatment, stopping the devastation that heart diseases cause every day.
Northern Counties Kidney Research Fund
The Northern Counties Kidney Research Fund was established in 1988 to support work for kidney transplantation, progressive kidney diseases, and replacement of kidney function by dialysis in adults and children the North of England. There are six scientific and clinical posts which the fund has established in the University and NHS Trusts.