All News blog articles – Page 6
Dear HMCTS, tampons aren't dangerous
Court security officers may not place their hands inside visitors' bags but it's apparently OK to make lawyers feel humiliated.
Bezos split should inspire mediation rethink
Jeff and MacKenzie Bezos's approach lends itself to mediation. It's a shame that take-up of information and assessment meetings has continuously declined since LASPO.
The cheek of the taoiseach – but London cannot be complacent
Post-Brexit the threat to legal London’s pre-eminence is cost and inconvenience - not Irish overtures to business.
LASPO review: have your say
The Ministry of Justice's report won't be out until early next year now. Share your views on what it should say.
Criminal solicitors: heroes rarely applauded
When morale is at its lowest, it's nice to know you have fans in high places.
LCCSA: 70 years fighting for justice
The London Criminal Courts Solicitors' Association reminds members why they must battle on.
Maybe it's time to get rid of the 'rule of law'
If we want the public to care about justice, we need to simplify it for them.
Should parliamentary privilege be scrapped?
The decision to name a businessman at the centre of the British #MeToo scandal risks making a mockery of the law.
Work evenings, weekends and lunchtimes? No.
How can we promote the importance of wellbeing when judges think lawyers should work all hours of the day?
Magistrates' courts: a legal sausage factory
Magistrates' numbers are falling, the listings system is chaotic and morale is low.
Whose web will Brexit Britain choose?
Europe’s latest regulatory move could entrench the monopolies it seeks to attack.
Civil legal aid contracts: what went wrong?
The Legal Aid Agency updated practitioners on new contracts one hour and 48 minutes before they were due to begin.
Breaking up is hard to do. Why make it harder?
The government's lack of interest in no-fault divorce is baffling.
Law centres victory exposes alarming evidence gap
Damning High Court judgment raises serious questions about the Ministry of Justice's decision-making process.
7.01pm? Don't email unless it's urgent
Royal Mail's GC doesn't message colleagues in the evening or at weekends. All lawyers should follow suit.
Let's end the 'fat cat' lawyer myth once and for all
Solicitors must shout louder about the phenomenal amount of pro bono work they do every day.
Visit a crumbling court, not a computer
Justice minister Lucy Frazer should be seeing first hand the damage caused by a collapsed ceiling, not an IT system in action.
Criminal bar should reject the government's offer
The Ministry of Justice is willing to inject £15m into the AGFS scheme. Bar chiefs should demand cash for solicitors too.
Munby leaves family justice in reassuring hands
Sir Andrew McFarlane will become president of the family division in July.
Oasis in a desert
The law centre network today welcomes a new constituent, in Suffolk, which aims to irrigate a legal aid desert.