All articles by David Pickup – Page 4
Diversity and Inclusion in the Legal Profession (2nd edition)
Edited by Globe Law and Business and The Centre for Legal Leadership.
The case for being word perfect
The Art and Craft of Judgment Writing: A Primer for Common Law Judges | Max Barrett
A helpful handrail to buying legal services
Private Sector by Head Public Sector by Heart | 4C Associates
The truth is out there
Reputation Matters: How to Protect Your Professional Reputation | Jonathan Coad
We all have to go some time
Succession Planning: Ensuring Smooth Transitions for Lawyers and their Firms | Edited by Katerina Menhennet
Solicitor executed for murder – but did he do it?
The Poisonous Solicitor: The True Story of a 1920s Murder Mystery | Stephen Bates
Essential compliance primer for the ages
The Solicitor’s Handbook 2022 | Gregory Treverton-Jones QC, Nigel West, Susannah Heley, Robert Forman
A solicitor’s career of colourful characters and capers
Now You’re In Trouble, Here Comes My Solicitor! Memoirs of a West Country Lawyer | Steven D. Coles
Be a better manager
Leading Lawyers: A practical toolkit to help you adjust your leadership style and deliver great results
Good cop, bad cop
The Brighton Police Scandal: A Story of Corruption, Intimidation & Violence | Dick Kirby
Best law books of the year 2021
Among David Pickup’s standout books of the year is an enthralling second volume of reminiscences by judge Lord Simon Brown.
Picking up the pieces after legal aid cuts
Justice in a Time of Austerity: Stories From a System in Crisis