Registered Charity No: 205798 (England & Wales).

Did you know that a woman under state pension age living alone is expected to live on only £77.29 per week, out of which she may have to pay some rent and council tax?

The Smallwood Trust was founded in 1886 and our Patron is HM The Queen. Edith Smallwood, our founder, was an extraordinary woman, passionate about helping those less fortunate than herself. Edith raised the funds that still help hundreds of women today.

We support women in the United Kingdom who are in genuine need, irrespective of age or social status. We make one-off or time limited monthly grants to overcome barriers and needs; fund programmes that enable women to develop skills and access support or employment opportunities; and fund policy work. In the next five years we aim to support an additional 7,000 women on low incomes, helping them to become more financially resilient. Legacy gifts enable us to expand our work and to be there for more women when they face difficult times.

By leaving a gift in your will to the Smallwood Trust, you too can make a real and lasting difference to women on low incomes, and give them a more secure and confident future.

“My health deteriorated after I was made redundant, and paying bills became a struggle. The grant helped me get back on my feet. I am so grateful.” Susie, Grant Recipient

To find out more about our work, and how you can help us, please visit our website, or call us on 0300 365 1886.