Registered Charity No: 210619 (England & Wales)

The Shire Horse Society is the only charity dedicated to promotion, preservation and protection of the horse that put the ‘Great’ into Britain; the Shire.

The Society has been in existence since 1878 and has ensured the survival of the breed.

In more recent years the conservation and development of the breed, part of our national heritage, has become a great priority.

The Society actively encourages the breeding and use of Shire horses throughout the country.

Shire horses have been the backbone of Great Britain and fought hard in two world wars and helped to build the world around us. We owe them a great debt.

With your help we can continue to protect, honour and celebrate this amazing breed long into the future. By leaving a gift in your Will to the Shire Horse Society, you can not only pass on your love for our wonderful breed to the next generation, but to many generations to come. Our work would simply not be possible without the kind gifts supporters leave us in their Wills.