Registered Charity No: 1116947 (England & Wales).

The Red Squirrel Survival Trust is a national charity which aims to:

  • Establish red squirrel colonies across the UK.
  • Protect red squirrels in areas where numbers have stabilised, funding research that helps to secure the red squirrel’s long-term future.  RSST is working with the UK Squirrel Accord to bring an effective and affordable grey squirrel fertility control system to the woodlands of the British Isles.
  • Secure the environment in which red squirrels thrive, by protecting the biodiversity of Britain’s native woodlands. The broadleaf woodlands of the UK are being devastated by grey squirrels. Eastern grey squirrels, introduced from North America, strip bark from tree trunks and branches making them susceptible to tree pests and diseases and, in severe cases, killing the trees.

RSST brings a concerted and coordinated approach to securing the future of both red squirrels and woodlands, and to controlling the introduced grey squirrel, developing a benign contraceptive vaccine that will lead to a natural drop in the numbers of grey squirrels and allow native red squirrels and broadleaf trees to flourish. The red squirrel population has been decimated following the introduction of grey squirrels which have spread relentlessly across the British Isles, monopolising food supplies and spreading disease.  Without effective control, the grey squirrel population will ensure that succeeding generations never see stands of mature broadleaf trees.

Every donation helps to ensure that our red squirrels survive and thrive and our native broadleaf woodlands are protected. In addition to regular donations, legacies are vital as they enable us to expand the scope of our activities. A gift in your will to RSST is a great way to celebrate your love of the red squirrel and our natural heritage. We would not be able to undertake the vital role of protecting red squirrels in our native woodlands without legacies. A gift like this really does make an impact. If you would like any further information, please contact us via our email