Registered Charity No: 1144840 (England & Wales).
The Open Spaces Society
As Britain’s oldest national conservation body, we protect and preserve commons, public paths, and green spaces.
“I rely on the Open Spaces Society to protect our commons – but I want to know that the society will live on after me. Leaving a legacy to the society will ensure that its vital work can continue,” says Richard Mabey, countryside writer and one of our vice-presidents. Remember the society in your will and help us ensure that future generations will continue to enjoy commons, green spaces, and paths, in town and country, throughout England and Wales.
Support our campaigns
At the Open Spaces Society, we have campaigned to protect commons, greens, and paths for nearly 160 years. All these are under threat in various ways including from neglect, illegal obstructions and the pressure of new developments. Any gift in wills, large or small, makes a vital difference and enables us to defend the places and paths which are some of England and Wales’s finest assets.
We know that family and friends will come first but, if you have the opportunity, please consider a legacy to the society; it will help us ensure that the open spaces and paths we have all enjoyed will continue to be there for future generations.
Your open spaces need you!