Tets Ishikawa
- Opinion
Why all commercial cases should be budgeted
The current inflation-immune £10m limit is illogical.
- Opinion
Post Office scandal: Litigation funding is not the villain
Recoverability of costs and exemplary damages might have a role to play in promoting access to justice.
- Opinion
Supreme Court has set back access to justice
This week's ruling in PACCAR Inc & Ors v Competition Appeal Tribunal & Ors will have unintended consequences.
- Opinion
Could exemplary damages discourage corporate wrongdoings?
A 'punishment tax' would change attitudes of current and prospective wrong-doers towards litigation risk.
- Opinion
Voss report is unsatisfyingly hollow and narrow
Before the anti-litigation funding lobby gets too excited, things need to be kept in perspective.
- Opinion
An unfair tax on accessing justice
The time has come to consider reintroducing recoverability of premiums and funding costs in commercial litigation cases.
- Opinion
Litigation funding and marginal gains
Disclosure orders should apply equally to defendants and claimants.
- Opinion
Litigation funding does not drive families apart
Critics often ignore the fact that funding is really an option of last resort.
- Opinion
Litigation funders are sensitive to potential conflicts
Most funding agreements are direct with the client, or with the knowledge of the client.