A solicitor convicted of sending a malicious message to his ex-partner has been rebuked by the Solicitors Regulation Authority.

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Matthew Miles, from Newcastle firm Silk Family Law, pleaded guilty last September to malicious communications in relation to a text message he had sent in October 2021.

During a sentencing hearing at Harrogate Magistrates’ Court, Miles was ordered to pay a fine of £1,269, a surcharge of £127 and costs of £85.

Miles reported the matter to the SRA and subsequently admitted that he had failed to behave in a way that upholds public trust and confidence in the profession. No details were given in the SRA decision notice about the nature or content of the message.

The regulator took into account that he pleaded guilty and cooperated with the police investigation. He had also admitted the facts of the allegation to the SRA.

It was noted that Miles, a solicitor since 2008, had expressed insight and remorse into his actions, such that the risk of re-offending was low.

A written rebuke was considered appropriate to address the nature of a criminal offence and uphold public confidence in the legal sector. Miles also agreed to pay £300 costs.