Museum of Policing in Devon & Cornwall
All of us will have come into contact with policing at some point in our lives, for good or ill, and the stories of these encounters reveal who we are – and who we were - as people and as a society. The Museum of Policing in Devon & Cornwall records, investigates, challenges, and celebrates our shared history of policing in the southwest. It preserves and examines the legacy of the past with pride – but also with realism and humility.
Blesma, The Limbless Veterans
Blesma, The Limbless Veterans is dedicated to the support of all serving and ex-Service men and women who have lost limbs, or lost the use of limbs or eyes, empowering them to lead independent and fulfilling lives. Blesma supports its Members, both young and old, for life.
Blind Veterans UK
Blind Veterans UK provides support for life, through rehabilitation and training, practical advice, and emotional support. Established in 1915, we are the country’s leading provider of specialist and bespoke rehabilitation for vision impairment. We have the experience and expertise to help blind veterans regain their independence and live the life they choose.
Gurkha Welfare Trust, The
The Gurkha Welfare Trust is the only charity that’s dedicated to looking after Gurkha soldiers and their dependents in Nepal, and we are currently supporting tens of thousands of veterans and widows.
Help for Heroes
Thousands of veterans across the UK are battling pain, trauma and isolation decades after taking off their uniform. Help for Heroes supports veterans, their families and civilians who’ve worked alongside our military to live well after service. We provide one-to-one clinical treatment and counselling, specialist equipment, home adaptations and a wide range of therapies and community-based exercise and social activities for veterans struggling with their physical or mental health.
Officers’ Association Benevolent Fund, The
The Officers’ Association Benevolent Fund (OABF) exists to provide financial plus practical support and guidance to former officers and their dependants. The OABF works with military and civilian charities along with trusts and foundations to access grants and services that help improve lives. We understand that every situation is unique, and believe that all those who have served – and the families that support them – should have someone who understands their background and individual needs.
RAF Central Fund
We are an independent charity that supports serving RAF personnel by enabling them to take part in sports and physical activities at all levels. We want everyone in the RAF regardless of their role, rank, physical ability or competing level to have access to sports facilities, equipment, and training through our support we help to safeguard their health and wellbeing.
Royal Air Force Benevolent Fund
We are proud to be RAF's oldest and most steadfast friend. We understand and support each and every member of the RAF Family, whenever they need us. We provide lifelong support to serving and ex-serving RAF personnel and their families. We consider any request for assistance, however big or small, providing a tailor-made approach to each individual situation.
SSAFA, the Armed Forces charity
SSAFA, the Armed Forces charity has been providing lifelong support to Forces personnel, veterans and their families since 1885. With you by our side we can continue to be there for those who have served; any time they need us, in any way they need us, for as long as they need us. Behind every uniform is a person, and by leaving a gift in your Will to SSAFA you will help make sure that every service family receives the support they need when and wherever it is needed.
The Remembrance Trust
The Remembrance Trust has an objective to find and, where possible, restore monuments and graves of military graves, cemeteries and memorials of British and Commonwealth members of the Armed Forces who died before 1914 anywhere in the world as well as to support the maintenance and upkeep of such sites.