Global Returns Project
Climate change and nature loss are global problems needing global solutions. The Global Returns Project makes it easy to support the world’s highest impact charities tackling climate change and biodiversity loss. The ecosystems our charities protect and regenerate are home to endangered animals, birds and insects.
Animal Welfare Foundation
The Animal Welfare Foundation (AWF) is a science and knowledge-based charity which has been putting animal welfare at the heart of veterinary science and education for the past 40 years. Our aim is to deepen understanding of animal welfare and inspire evidence-based actions so that all animals can enjoy a better life. Through funding ground-breaking research and leading impactful debates and conversations at all levels, AWF identifies and tackles animal welfare issues, always pushing for higher standards in the UK.
Ash Rescue Centre
Ash Rescue Centre is a Devon based charity that adopts a One Welfare approach to its work with animals, nature and people; a concept that recognises the link between animal welfare, human welfare and environmental conservation. Our 100+ acre conservation site provides a lifetime home to rescued elderly horses, who take their place as conservation grazers in the wildflower meadows and species rich grasslands that have been reintroduced to the site as part of the project.
Bees for Development
For over 30 years the UK charity Bees for Development has been using beekeeping to combat poverty, benefit biodiversity, and build resilient livelihoods for some of the world's poorest people. We provide skills and training to people living in poverty, to become successful beekeepers. This in turn encourages people to protect natural habitats, restore degraded landscapes, and mitigate climate change.
British Chelonia Group (BCG), The
The BCG is a charity working entirely with volunteers. The Group’s objectives are for the benefit of the public to promote the conservation, welfare and care in general and to assist in the prevention of cruelty and suffering among tortoises, terrapins, marine and freshwater turtles, both in the wild and in captivity and to educate the public in these matters.
Compassion in World Farming International
The challenges of building a humane and sustainable world have never been greater. Against a backdrop of a population explosion and soaring food prices, intensive livestock farming poses a very real threat to our planet. Greenhouse gas emissions, deforestation, biodiversity loss and water scarcity are all disastrous consequences of factory farming.
Dartmoor Zoological Society
Dartmoor Zoological Society is proud to shout about the charitable work we do. As a unique, wildlife conservation charity based in South Devon, we educate and empower people to be more connected with the natural world and to take greater responsibility for their impact. Helping people is as important to us as helping wildlife, and without inspired people in the world, how can we truly care for our planet and its special residents?
Hawk Conservancy Trust
The Hawk Conservancy Trust is a conservation charity and award-winning visitor centre that has worked in the fields of conservation, education, rehabilitation and the research of birds of prey for 60 years. Our mission is the conservation of birds of prey. Projects related to this mission operate on site, in southern England and overseas, where we are working to conserve critically endangered birds.
International Animal Rescue
At International Animal Rescue we do exactly what our name says - we save animals from suffering around the world and protect their precious habitats. Our work includes rescuing and rehabilitating orangutans that have been kept as pets or left stranded after their forest home has been destroyed. Our teams in Indonesia also rescue slow lorises and macaque monkeys from the illegal pet trade.
International Fund for Animal Welfare
When we rescue one animal – a house pet abandoned in a hurricane, a milk cow displaced by an earthquake, a right whale entangled in fishing line – we’re doing much more than saving a life. We’re reuniting a family. We’re restoring a community’s livelihood. We’re saving a species on the brink of extinction. And we’re saving our planet.