A formula for growth

The Modern In-house Lawyer: Optimising Relationships for Growth and Success in an ESG Environment


Ciarán Fenton


£125, Globe Law and Business



Ciarán Fenton’s book is a roadmap for growth and success. Any lawyer, whether in-house or private practice, solicitor or barrister, would find that it has much to offer.

Fenton has developed a range of tools that offer a practical understanding of who we are, our purpose, and how we can navigate the tricky and sometimes toxic world of work.

Modern In-House Lawyer

Extensive and informative footnotes highlight the breadth of his knowledge.

However, for the next edition I would drop ‘in an ESG Environment’, alluded to in the book’s title. Why? Because the book should avoid the constraints such a connection imposes.

When I first worked with Ciarán, my wife asked me: ‘Why are you paying a coach to tell you what I can tell you?’. Get a copy of this wonderful book to find out.


Anthony Kenny is GSK legal director for UK & Ireland and formally EU GC at BCG and Deloitte