A Cat’s Judgement: Mr Perkins lays down the law


Suzanne Stephenson


£9.99, Mirador Publishing



This is a delightful book about a judge and a cat. The judge is staying at a B&B temporarily as he has just been appointed to a full-time position and his house is not ready. He meets a mysterious cat that accompanies him to court (as they do!). The tale develops into various stories about the important role animals and particularly pets play in our lives. The cat, which is the hero of the story, helps characters in the book interact with one another, and even assists parties in resolving disputes. There is a message here about difference and diversity, and also a telling satire on the modern justice system.

A Cats judgement

Cats and dogs become important to the judges who work in the courtroom. There is even a talking parrot at a hearing. Fortunately, the bird does not use inappropriate language!

This book – enhanced with marvellous illustrations of various animals – is a fairytale. But it has an important message about how animals can aid communication. It is not sentimental or silly. Pet therapy has a part to play in hospitals and care homes. I once met a ferret at a hospital. Everyone stops what they are doing and asks questions. Pets break barriers.

I have only seen a review copy which concludes with a section on the courts system, and information on assistance and support animals.

The author was a family lawyer and family mediator before becoming a district judge in 2000. She retired from judging in early 2021. She is currently working on a first draft of a sequel to The World According to Patrick White, a book about a lawyer and a talking pig.


David Pickup is a partner at Pickup & Scott Solicitors, Aylesbury