Beaumont on Barristers: A Guide to Defending Disciplinary Proceedings (2nd edition)


Marc Beaumont


£95, Law Brief Publishing



Marc Beaumont can justifiably claim the title of being the barrister’s barrister. Having probably defended more barristers in disciplinary proceedings than any other practitioner, he is ideally placed to pass on the knowledge and insights he has gained over the years.

Regulation and enforcement in respect of barristers has expanded exponentially over the last two decades. The pace of change quickened with the replacement of the Visitors to the Inns of Court with a right of appeal to the High Court as a result of the Crime and Courts Act 2013. Moreover, with regulators extending their reach into the private lives of those they regulate, disputes as to the proper boundaries of their jurisdiction are inevitable.


The book is unusual as it is written from the perspective of those facing disciplinary proceedings, rather than simply describing the current state of law and practice. There is a useful chapter examining the impact of the Human Rights Act and European Convention on Human Rights on barristers’ discipline, including use of social media and what barristers do in their private lives. The book also contains a new chapter on investigations within barristers’ chambers.

In his foreword to the first edition, Lord Hendy QC wrote: ‘… It achieves that tricky balance between erudition and readability … This is an excellent and well written textbook and I highly commend it.’

Any lawyer instructed in disciplinary proceedings against barristers would be very well advised to consult this book. I commend it unreservedly.


Gregory Treverton-Jones KC of 39 Essex Chambers specialises in regulatory and disciplinary issues concerning legal professionals