Santa Pig, The Trials of Patrick White


Suzanne Stephenson


£8.99, Mirador Publishing


What is it about people and pets? For many, animals are a vital part of their lives.

This is a story about a talking pig. Not only does he talk but he gets involved in the local community, village politics and the legal profession. Patrick the pig is intelligent, thoughtful, writes well, and is curious about life. There is even some love interest, though he usually is more interested in apples and carrots. There are shades of Dr Doolittle – the marvellous books, not the film.  


Patrick the pig takes part in a mock trial – presided over by his new friend, a distinguished circuit judge – with not always nice lawyers. The account of a parish council meeting is keenly observed.  

Everyone in the story takes Patrick at face value and never questions his communication skills. The story of our porcine hero is a way of not necessarily satirising life but making a mirror of our world. The point is that some animals get a bad press and are reputed to be unpleasant and behave, well, like animals. But it is Patrick who is the most polite and civilised.

The book includes attractive illustrations and concludes with interesting appendices.

A marvellous thriller.


David Pickup is a partner at Pickup & Scott Solicitors, Aylesbury