Building Safety Act 2022: A Guide for Property Lawyers


General editors: Andrew Butler KC and Ian Quayle


£125, Law Society



I always wince before saying anything about the Building Safety Act. It is a subject so divisive and murky that most of the conveyancing practitioners I know stay away from properties affected by it. So a comprehensive and detailed examination of the Building Safety Act 2022 (BSA 22) surely has to be a good thing, right?

The BSA 22 was a landmark piece of legislation aimed at overhauling building safety regulations in the wake of the Grenfell Tower tragedy. The authors provide a thorough background, contextualising the necessity for the act by exploring the series of events and systemic failures that led to its creation.

The book is exceptionally good in its detailed analysis of the BSA 22, meticulously breaking down key components. It covers the new regulatory framework, enhanced safety measures, and the roles and responsibilities of various stakeholders. Butler and Quayle’s expertise shines through in their clear explanations and insightful commentary on the implications of the act for property lawyers. The book serves as a valuable resource, with practical guidance and illustrative case studies that bring the legal principles to life.

Building Safety Act

However, despite its thoroughness, the book’s utility is somewhat undermined by the dynamic and evolving nature of building safety law. The BSA 22 is still in its early stages of implementation, and subsequent amendments and updates are inevitable. This fluidity poses a challenge for any static publication, as the legal landscape may shift, rendering parts of the book outdated.

While Butler and Quayle have done an admirable job in providing a foundational understanding of the BSA 22, prospective buyers should consider the limitations inherent in using a book to navigate such a rapidly changing area of law. For those seeking a foundational reference and a deep dive into the origins and current framework of the BSA 22, this book is an excellent choice. However, practitioners who require up-to-the-minute guidance may need to supplement it with ongoing updates from more dynamic sources such as legal databases and professional bulletins.

Building Safety Act 2022: A Guide for Property Lawyers is a well-researched and informative book that offers significant value. Still, its relevance as anything other than a gallop through history may diminish over time due to the evolving nature of the subject matter.


Anna Newport