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You're dead right there, Anon 11.45, it is completely beyond me to get how one can plead £2m, but accept £50,000. I completely fail to understand how an offer of £50,000 made 9 months before the trial start date is only accepted 8 1/2 months later and 12 days before that date. I just don't get any of all that. I must leave all that to the masters of the universe, the smartest guys in the room, to justify.

But what i do understand is that a heck of a lot of costs were racked up in those 8 1/2 months what with QCs, juniors, experts and solicitors. A very conservative figure would be £2m or 40 times the amount the claim was worth.

And I do understand that too many such claims and it will not be the medical negligence which brings down the NHS, but the costs racked up by those who prosecute them.

But, hey, what do I understand?

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