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As I understand it the costs and costs of the majority of claims of medical negligence are met by the MDU and the other insurer the name of which escapes me.

If this is not correct then the fault lies in the failure to introduce the requirement for medical practitioners to hold PII and for there to be an effective market for the provision of the same (without the socialised equivalent of the ARP).

At present there is little / no market to respond to the 'moral hazard' (unless the conduct is so poor as to get to the FTP stage at the GMC) and therefore the same negligent doctors can swirl around the system causing carnage, grief and so on.

If a private insurer looked at the claims history of someone like Rodney Ledward then he would have been un-insurable and therefore the trail of destruction left behind him would have been much less serious and far shorter.

This would also go a long way to stopping the culture of bullying and coverups which seem so prevalent in the NHS

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