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'Unfortunately, what we often see in lower cost claims is a deeply unfair system where unscrupulous law firms cream off excessive legal costs that dwarf the actual damages recovered. We believe this creates an adversarial culture of litigation, which is inflating insurance premiums and drawing away resource from the NHS at a crucial time.'

Damn those pesky claimants for claiming. Let them eat cake - we can then ban care for them when the cake makes them obese.

Adversarial? Not for me - on all of my cases against the NHS I have a good working relationship with the NHSLA. If they deny, fine, we see where it goes but at a cost - that's litigation for you.

Inflating insurance premiums? Say what? Getting on the RTA band wagon it seems.

And anon 08:20 yes there is a conflict but given that the DoH has already pared the NHS to the bone they need additional savings somewhere, so let's attack solicitors. Yet again.

I see the petition to prevent President Trump entering the country - can we get a petition to get Hunt out?

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