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I think the pertinent issues Mr B should consider in terms of what his future business will now be like, I would refer to the following from the transcript. If anyone hiring his company thinks that they can succeed in Court with this sort of person should read the transcript - the poor mother had to withdraw her appeal - all cases would be lost and Judges simply would find against anyone represented by this man.
The mother's appeal was withdrawn.
Mr Baggalcy has served this mother very badly.
However, the judge (judgment, para 25) made a further interim order, extending the restraints imposed on Mr Baggaley by Judge Bellamy.
By way of interim order Nigel Baggaley is prohibited (whether personally or through an agent or any other third party)
(b) from acting or holding himself out to act as a McKenzie friend in these or any other proceedings in any court.
This [hearing] was in the absence of Mr Baggaley because, as he had told me the day before, he had run out of money.
Para 26: restraint orders against people like him are used where the McKenzie Friend is useless and wastes everyone's time.
Security called JPs confirm they want Mr B out of the building given his loud and abusive behaviour...
I heard Mr Baggaley using "fuck" repeatedly. I noted that Mr Baggaley was very close to the Usher and I was concerned for the Usher. I telephoned and called for security to attend at court 11.
Despite being given every opportunity to do so, Mr Baggaley never did produce the emails [he claimed to have].
I again asked him to produce, the following day, the emails. He did not.
He was removed from Court.
Despite Mr Baggaley 's denials, I accept the accuracy of Mrs Palmer's note and the truthfulness of her oral evidence [about Mr B's bad behaviour].
His tone, according to Mr O'Grady, was aggressive and confrontational. Mr O'Grady spoke to the mother. Mr Baggaley said "Shut up and go away" and then "Do you want some more?"
whilst also accepting Mr O'Grady's account that he believed that Mr Baggaley was about to headbutt him.
Mr Baggaley called Miss Sharratt a "fucking lying slag."
Mr Baggaley spoke, according to Miss Sharratt, "in an extremely aggressive manner." He called the receptionist a "fucking lying bitch."
Mr Baggaley who responded to her opening words by saying "who the fuck do you think you are?" He said that she needed to watch herself as he would be there. His manner, she says, was extremely aggressive and intimidating.
I accept Miss Sharratt's evidence. I reject Mr Baggaley 's denials.
First, there is Mr Baggaley 's argumentative and confrontational manner, even extending, his behaviour in court in front of the judges.
Secondly, there is his repeated use, when talking to others involved in litigation, of the kind of language, including, to use Mr Baggaley 's own words "effing and blinding"
Fourthly, as noted by Judge Bellamy and as borne out by his behaviour ..., it is clear that Mr Baggaley does not understand, or, if he does, chooses not to confine himself to, the proper role of a McKenzie friend.
Mr Baggaley 's behaviour ..., however, was quite unacceptable. His subsequent behaviour in the corridor was disgraceful.
His treatment of Mr O'Grady ..., if less outrageous, was unacceptable.
I am not dealing here with a single 'one off' incident. I am confronted with a lengthy list of incidents the cumulative effect of which leaves me in no doubt that the court must exercise its inherent powers not just to protect itself but also to protect those lawfully going about their business from behaviour which is inimical to the proper and efficient administration of justice.

I would additionally say - anyone that does not know the difference between judgment and judgement has no place in a courtroom. Your and You're also need attention.

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