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Dear Anon

To use your own analogy you have a choice when it comes to Illness, you can go and pay for a private doctor, or you can use the NHS.

oooh the NHS is in crisis today - and why? because the fundings are too much for the country to pay. Like solicitors whom charge the government (meaning the poeples purse) thousands of pounds for next to nothing . . . why should the poeple pay your overheads..

The whole point of our business and others like ours is we have moved with the times, where as you my friend are living in a bubble of the past easy life you led when the government threw money at you like kids throw smarties at the wall!!

example: in one of my clients cases in the last 6 months, my clients case made it into the national news, the Judge in the court of protection ordered the official solicitor contact news agencies to see if there were any other articles or publications... the oficial solicitor then came back to the court with a bill for over 69 thousand pounds. the fee was for 2 members of staff in her office to research for 2 working days - contactinf news agencies all over the world! £69 THOUSAND .... if you want it in a nutshell why you are a dinosaur and i am the future its the amount above that the public had to pay a con artist rippoff solicitor at a top London firm!! I would charge £379 to do exactly the same and walked away in profit!! who is the fraudster??

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