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I thought it would be useful as founder and Chair of the HBSG to offer reassurance on few points. Firstly, promoting commercial interest is not allowed at all! One of the other main objectives of the HBSG is that everything we do is done in order to improve home buying and selling for consumers, and having been around when HIPs were introduced, the BAPSI is nothing like it. It is a set of comprehensive questions that a buyer or their lender/agent/legal company/surveyor is likely to need to know before making an offer/up to exchange. These questions were all secured and approved by our steering group, which consists of many of the legal bodies and regulators. One of the biggest sectors represented on the wider HBSG are practising property lawyers, from law firms of all different shapes and sizes. The HBSG is, as much as possible self-funded, we only have one admin person paid £2.5k to organise meetings/manage emails etc. I have worked for free as have many others over the last 5 years. We are always open to receiving new ideas, suggestions or new people that want to get involved and I am always more than happy to discuss our objectives with anyone on a one-to-one basis, or if you prefer in a group chat. Please visit where you can see the BASPI and see who is involved and the work we do.

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