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It was certainly a very difficult period. I was paying for twins. Their cousins even had to spend 2 weeks in a bed room just because someone nearby had covid and one was not even brought much food - eg no breakfast and not allowed to leave the room even for exercise. Then my lot were sent home (but no rent rebate as private landlord) and had to come home for finals because exams were online and student houses are not conducive to passing exams even if the house at university had good enough wifi - not necessarily so. All this in 2020 for my children was after years of strikes too in all 3 years of their degrees (and I their mother was paying full fees of 9250 for each twin per year plus rents etc - no student loans).

Mine and their cousins were not at UCL however and when mine moved on to the GDL BPP did it extremely well - 100% online course and exams for 2020/21 - they didn't meet a single other person! It has been a very difficult period for those young people but not as bad for those who were not allowed to take GCSEs nor A levels during the pandemic.

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