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I appreciate this is a different form of discrimination but I have recently observed an employment tribunal
Judge be deeply offensive and upsetting to a woman with serious breast cancer requesting she get on a call with him and her toxic employers (all men) to ‘discuss how her breast cancer impacts on her’ to approve a postponement - the most sensitive details ..following s mastectomy and despite being in the middle of the most harsh life saving cancer treatment/ chemotherapy etc all fully and robustly evidenced by several medical consultants who called the request ‘Exhibitionist’ so what is our legal profession about ? Can someone explain such barbaric behaviour to me ? As no one thinks it’s ok .. he was supportive of her employers tactics to intimidate and upset her - knowing it was having a detrimental impact on her health during treatment- the stress of their toxic conduct to oust her had already damaged her heart dud to the well known risks / the judge was fully and d
Extensively informed throughout - it was robustly and continuously evidenced by several consultants- I truly can’t get over it and feel it should be dealt with as a serious complaint on behalf of the client .. why do so many cases have to go to appeal to receive justice - too many of our judges are not up to standard - Do not represent decency are not sufficiently familiar with law it appears and we need an oversight body to be able to lodge complaint asap. The days of great judges like Denning etc are long gone. It is just not acceptable.

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