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I haven't read the report so I won't comment on its findings. I do, however, wonder how anyone can even pretend to be in favour of harmony between people groups when every opportunity is taken to use race as a dividing line between us (we are all people at the end of the day). Why, for example, does the author of this article constantly capitalise the first letter of the word 'black'? If it were a simple product of poor grammar, one would expect the same error to occur with the word 'white' but, of course, it doesn't.

Similarly, I don't think it washes to dismiss the experiences of others if they are not the same as one's own and call those people 'closet racists'. It is true that such surveys are, to an extent, largely self-selecting and it may be equally true that others have had different experiences. Why do we have to resort to name-calling rather than persuasive dialogue? Aren't we better than that? Shouldn't we strive to be?

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