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LEB, you do have a point, it is an invidious choice that we are presented with and as loathe as I am to give even the faintest of praise to Johnson, despite his gross and obvious character flaws he is in no way in the same league as Corbyn.

For those of you who aren't Jewish, married to or in partnership with one what makes us so fearful is the language that is now casually used not by the extreme fringe but all too often by party officials, councillors, candidates and senior figures has not only enabled grossly unpleasant attacks but normalised a very unpleasant undercurrent in the political discourse that is seeping out into the common discourse and 'real world' threats and conduct.

If you're about to respond where's the evidence have a look at @Gnasherjew.

Johnson may be many things, I think that Max Hastings addressed the salient points, but at heart he is profoundly a liberal and does not pose the (indirect?) threat that Labour does. Is there antisemitism, islamophobia, misanthropy, homophobia etc in the Conservative party: absolutely but that's no reason to excuse and prevaricate on what has become a shameful norm in Labour.

When you go into the privacy of the polling booth please ask yourself this: am I willing to lend my anonymous support to a party being investigated by the EHRC with candidates who call Hammas their friends, people at the events by the leadership team who think that you should 'question the holocaust' twee things like 'some man I just met thought I was Israeli so I cracked the 10 lost tribes of Israel joke to him and he got gassed'.

If the answer is, 'well brexit' or 'but food banks', then shame on you.

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