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I 100% agree with 25 November 2019 @ 1:34pm.

I don't reckon anything to Jeremy Corbyn but everything about the Conservative Party and their bloated leader, their and his arrogance, their and his sense of blasé entitlement, their and his complete lack of any impression of moral integrity or soundness of personality, the inherent dishonesty of everything they and he say disgusts me in some deep, profound and disturbing way.

The Supreme Court found against him - correctly. So he says he will get rid of anyones' ability to challenge him. He accused Parliament of being a dead Parliament because it was very much alive. Now he sneaks removing the rule of law into his manifesto so that if he wins, he can say, as Harold Wilson used to say, 'we have a mandate'. He suppresses a report on Russian influence so that we do not know what it says and can only assume that it is damning. His campaign team rename their publicity so as to conceal that it comes from them, and all that his backers can say to defend themselves is that they don't think the public care.

And this is man who has only been Prime Minister for a few weeks, during most of which Parliament was on holiday. As far as I'm concerned, there is not just political, but moral danger in siding with him. By supporting him, by campaigning for him, and by voting for him, his party and those that support it tar themselves with moral guilt for everything he stands for, everything he is, and everything he lacks.

And I'm not even a Labour supporter.

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