All Regulation and compliance articles – Page 83
NDAs and burdens of being a gatekeeper
The use of NDAs in an employment setting raises that modern scourge of our profession: decision-makers wanting to get at our clients’ behaviour through us.
High-profile Midlands firm enters administration after director banned
Unnamed buyer found for ambitious and acquisitive DBS Law following failure of CVA to settle debts.
Leigh Day in the clear as High Court throws out SRA appeal
Ruling likely to bring an end to epic prosecution over Iraqi claims which has cost at least £9m so far.
'What about quality?' Consumer watchdog bemoans focus on prices
Legal Services Consumer Panel says clients may be misled into equating high prices with better quality.
Harassment reports to SRA double in seven months
Regulator pledges to update guidance over settlement agreements and unfair contract terms.
SRA mulls new 'test' for solicitor advocates
Regulator says it has received reports of solicitors acting ’beyond their competence’.
No-deal Brexit would halt European lawyer scheme overnight, says SRA
Regulator says it is working with government to ensure transition period runs as smoothly as possible.
Lord Chancellor v Blavo: 'a number of explanations' for similarities in files
Closing submissions in the High Court claim over £22m in legal aid payments.
SRA flexes muscles as four banned from profession
Breaches of confidentiality and forging a colleague’s signature among the misconduct reported.
Patient details in Blavo & Co files 'pretty much identical', court told
Former partner quizzed on the third day of a High Court hearing into 'second largest mental health firm', which was shut down in 2015.
Relaxed rules prompt conveyancers to jump the SRA ship
Insurance requirement changes mean firms can now switch regulators more easily.
Revealed: firms that are allowed to operate outside solicitor rules
The SRA’s ‘safe space’ was extended in July - and the regulator has now started to publish details of applicants successful since then.
When should a lawyer admit to being ill?
Part two in a series on ethical questions raised by the regulatory settlement in KP.
Blavo & Co burgled after firm told of legal aid probe, court told
Lord chancellor's High Court bid to seek £22m from director John Blavo continues.
Robot lawyers take off with flying taxis
SRA receives £700,000 from government’s ‘pioneer fund’ for regulation of future technologies.
'Take a light approach' - Society to SRA as transparency deadline looms
New rules provide opportunities as well as initial burdens, says Blacklaws.
Firms must publish details of solicitors' credentials
SRA transparency rules will also include requirements on price and timescale for legal work.
PPI has 'turned portions of UK into fraudsters' - bank chief
New ‘compensation culture’ row over mis-sold payment protection insurance.