All Regulation and compliance articles – Page 40
Soophia Khan bids to overturn strike-off
Former solicitor-advocate tells the Gazette: ‘I will fight because I want my practising certificate back.’
Barred former trainee allowed back by SRA after 15 months
Regulator finds employment of convicted aspiring solicitor does not harm profession.
Society ‘extremely concerned’ at proposals for unlimited SRA fines
Government wants to legislate to remove fining limit in cases related to economic crime.
Labour conference: SRA denies overreach
Solicitors Regulation Authority sponsored and participated in a fringe discussion on what role regulators should play 'levelling up' the UK.
Lawyer struck off after US conviction for shares conspiracy
Matthew Ledvina failed to appear before the tribunal as he was found to have acted dishonestly.
Legal executive of 20 years banned for backdating signatures
Power of attorney specialist tried twice to rectify errors but misconduct was uncovered years later.
SRA bans a thief and a forger who had been with leading firms
Non-solicitors from Browne Jacobson and Keoghs sanctioned after serious misconduct from both.
Government offers SRA unlimited fining powers for economic crime
Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Bill includes removal of statutory limit on fines for solicitors.
Greene faces wait for SDT decision
Former Law Society president did not give ‘inaccurate [or] misleading’ evidence, SDT told.
Greene tells tribunal: I did not lie to the court
SDT hears that statement placed before county court was ‘reflection’ of Greene’s belief at the time.
Lawyers should have to warn clients about environmental damage, say campaigners
Open letter signed by 170 members of the profession says 'modest' changes are needed now.
SRA rebuffs request to reopen board meetings to public and press
Chief executive Paul Philip says public meetings 'clearly proved to be an ineffective way of providing that information and insight.’
Solicitor struck off after ‘moment of madness’ verifying forged signature
Cheshire solicitor falsely said she had witnessed clients’ signatures on child travel consent forms.
EU to impose regulation and fee caps on litigation funders
Funders accused of 'seeking profit maximisation at the expense of claimants'.
Solicitor admits propping up firm with legal aid payments
South London owner accepts he breached accounts rules but says he did not know he was doing anything wrong.
Barrister fined over Twitter abuse of chambers colleague
Sanction over ‘inappropriate and offensive’ tweets from now-deleted '@arrytuttle' account.
Solicitor lent £6,000 by client’s father was not dishonest, SDT rules
Norwich-based practitioner may continue to practise despite ’lack of integrity’ finding.
Solicitor tells SDT that £6,000 from client’s father was a loan
Employment solicitor says money was intended to pay for his son’s school fees.
Firm avoids tribunal after admitting to acting in conflict
Dispute arose when representative was left majority of estate as a deathbed gift.