All Regulation and compliance articles – Page 33
News focus: SIF, sanctions and SLAPPs - a busy week for the SRA
Changes to fining powers, new indemnity arrangements and another warning on SLAPPs – the SRA has rubber-stamped reforms that will have far-reaching implications for solicitors.
Solicitor struck off for 'flagrant breach of trust' with elderly client
Sole practitioner’s claims she was acting as a friend were dismissed by the Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal
Tribunal slashes 'excessive' and 'disproportionate' SRA costs
Cost applications rebuffed in three judgments in eight days.
'The plagues will fall on you': Solicitor who sent 'inappropriate' emails struck off
'You are one step closer to your grave,' practitioner told opposing barrister.
Solicitor struck off for practising without firm’s knowledge
Experienced practitioner dispensed with formalities but denied dishonesty or attempting to mislead.
SRA confirms new fining powers
Fixed penalty regime and ‘personal impact statements’ are among the new measures.
Bar tells LSB to rethink 'wrong-headed' business plan
Bar Council once again accuses oversight regulator of over-reaching.
Running indemnity fund won’t require a levy - or more staff, SRA chief says
Regulator confirms that it will not impose a SIF levy on the profession ‘in the near future’.
Former solicitor Khan gets 'very last chance' to purge contempt
Judgment in relation to sanctions against Soophia Khan adjourned following psychiatric report.
SLAPPs: Solicitors ignorant of reporting duties, SRA review finds
Law firm visits found senior lawyers handling reputation management cases were not aware of SRA guidance on abusive litigation.
Barristers cannot frustrate disciplinary proceedings by renouncing status
Bar Tribunals & Adjudications Service sets out position in report on climate campaigner Timothy Crosland.
LSB should focus on 'more pressing' areas than conveyancing
Oversight regulator told it needs to widen its focus on improving customer information.
Solicitor struck off over false whiplash claim
Lawyer claimed he had been driving his car at the time of the accident and had been injured.
Decisions and intervention
Decisions filed recently with the Law Society (which may be subject to appeal).
SQE: Apprentices 'outperforming' other candidates
Solicitors Regulation Authority reveals pass rate data during National Apprenticeship Week.
Divorce lawyer ghosted client and held on to £132,000
Solicitor offered no explanation for why the funds from settlement were not released.
Focus on real-life not high concepts, consumer watchdog tells regulator
Panel says LSB devotes disproportionate time and resources to issues such as rule of law and professional ethics.
Regulation expert to take helm of regulators' regulator
Alan Kershaw to replace Helen Philips, who is stepping down as LSB chair after five years.
Decisions and interventions
Decisions filed recently with the Law Society (which may be subject to appeal).
News focus: SRA gets tough on competence
The SRA is taking a more proactive approach to the assessment of continuing competence. Firms can expect a more onerous and intrusive process, and a knock at the door should they fall short.