All Regulation and compliance articles – Page 126
SRA backs £637m Quindell-Slater disposal
Multi-million-pound deal awaiting approval from one final regulator before it can go ahead.
Supreme Court’s sex shop ruling good news for SRA
Supreme Court keeps case open but establishes principle that regulatory authorities can spend fees more widely.
Solicitor among the first bar entities authorised
Mark Johnson cites 'proportionate’ level of regulation as factor in moving away from SRA regime.
Councils ‘need to be clear’ on ABS plans
Councils ‘need to be clear’ what they want to use alternative business structures for, as the move involves ‘quite a lot of work’.
Conveyancer hit by phone scam
Solicitors Regulation Authority calls for extra vigilance after north-east firm loses 'significant amount'.
Doing more for less
Data, development and dispute resolution – the LeO offers more than just a complaints-handling service.
SRA proposes alternative to client accounts
Regulator backs third-party accounts as low-cost alternative and to help prevent misuse of client money.
Paralegal first to qualify as solicitor through equivalent means
London paralegal showed same skill set and expertise as he would have gained from a training contract.
Clydesdale Bank fined £20m for serious PPI complaint failings
Financial Conduct Authority says more than 90,000 complaints may have been wrongly handled because of false information.
Internal investigations: inside jobs
Corporates face unprecedented scrutiny from regulators. Should they rely on existing counsel for internal investigations or hire independent help?
Risk and compliance: strength and security
The Law Society’s 2015 risk and compliance conference heard that a firm is only as safe as its weakest link.
Bar regulator licenses 15 ‘entities’
BSB says it will name new businesses when they have secured insurance to offer services.
First bar entities to be announced ‘in days’
Regulator's business plan sets out priorities for 2015-16.
Competition and Markets Authority – one year on
What has the body responsible for enforcing UK competition law achieved in the year since it was established?
Bar ponders new limits on ‘cab rank’ rule
Regulator considers excluding solicitors deemed to be a ‘credit risk’.
Diversity data impact ‘not at level hoped for’ – LSB chair
Legal Services Board also suggests regulators must look again at burden of diversity data collection on law firms and legal services providers.
SRA should apologise for closure blunder
Andrew Williams’ professional reputation was savaged within 30 minutes – isn’t it time someone said sorry?
Ombudsman complaint limit rises from six to 12 months
Scheme rules on cut-off to be aligned with new EU directive on alternative dispute resolution.
What the SFO is now doing right
David Green has revitalised the Serious Fraud Office but it remains under pressure to deliver convictions.