Basis period reform: What does it mean for law firms?
Tax liability. (Sponsored content.)
The rise of cyber attacks
What has led to an increase in cyber attacks and how can law firms guard against this risk?
Off the hamster wheel
The not-for-profit law firm is not a euphemism for losing money. Katharine Freeland talks to lawyers who are billing clients for whole new reasons.
Succession planners
Which area of law should an ambitious and intellectually curious lawyer aim for upon qualification? A growing number are deciding that the dust has come off the private client world, reports Katharine Freeland.
Breaking down the professional and personal
Work-life balance.
Stuck in the middle?
Mid-sized law firms are very far from being also-rans. Eduardo Reyes finds that they are dynamic actors, finding ways to innovate and endure by utilising service, structure, technology – and even a sense of mission.
Your roadmap to law firm success
Catrin Macleod, Product Manager at Dye & Durham, on why legal practice management is important (sponsored content).
How to: use LinkedIn
With its humble brags and ‘personal journeys’, LinkedIn is the professional networking and social media platform everyone loves to hate. Yet, as Eduardo Reyes hears, it’s too big to ignore. Lawyers may as well get it right as they carry on posting.