A year-old personal injury firm where IT specialists outnumber solicitors has become an alternative business structure.
The licence, granted by the Solicitors Regulation Authority, allows Liverpool-based SGI Legal to bring legal and non-legal accident management services under one brand.
The firm was founded a year ago and employs six qualified lawyers out of a staff of 60.
Managing partner Simon Gibson (pictured) said ABS status will allow the firm to move away from the traditional model and focus on business process, supervision and fee-earning work equal to the individual’s skills.
‘We want the composition of our equity and our board to be as diverse as possible, recognising that non-legal expertise at board level will be key for a successful firm.’
The firm was founded by a trio of personal injury lawyers who were previously partners at Liverpool firm Kirwans Solicitors.
The SRA has now granted 170 ABS licences, including three in the past week.
Birmingham firm Tyndallwoods, which has 11 lawyers, said it will use its status to appoint a non-solicitor finance director and head of property.
Direct Law & Finance, based in west London, and Essex-based Wellspring Advisory Ltd are also now allowed to offer regulated legal services.
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