Mother in Law: Q&A with my managing partner
Diary of a busy practitioner, juggling work and family somewhere in England.
Scottish feminist and legal pioneer
Rosemary Auchmuty reviews 'Chrystal Macmillan 1872-1937: Campaigner for Equality, Justice and Peace'.
Mother in Law: Let the kids get messy
Diary of a busy practitioner, juggling work and family somewhere in England.
Portrait of inadequate system paints grim picture
James E Hurford reviews 'Research Handbook on Domestic Violence and Abuse'.
200 years of social and legal evolution
This year, the Law Society celebrates 200 years since its establishment.
My legal life: Annabelle Vaughan, Enable Law
Partner in Southampton and head of the firm’s mental capacity team.
Nemone’s life less ordinary
Nemone Lethbridge, barrister, writer and all-round legend, appears on Desert Island Discs.
Legally Lesbians: creating representation that has been lacking for far too long
Initiative involves lesbians in the legal industry sharing their powerful personal stories and reflecting on the importance of lesbian visibility.