Opinion – Page 52

  • Opinion

    Complicated conveyancing

    23 September 2013

    Why has the relatively simple act of buying and selling a house seemingly become so complicated?

  • Opinion

    Gender-exclusive address

    23 September 2013

    It is ridiculous it is in this day and age to address another firm as ‘Dear Sirs’ when probably more than half the lawyers in that firm are female.

  • simonallison

    Treat landowners equally

    16 September 2013

    Is it time to extend anti-squatting laws to commercial property?

  • Opinion

    Ensuring staff wellbeing is a commercial necessity

    9 September 2013

    A health and wellbeing strategy can bring benefits commercially, too.

  • Opinion

    Pawns in the migration game

    9 September 2013

    In July the Home Office introduced a seemingly innocuous phrase into the immigration rules and international students will suffer.

  • Opinion

    Legal decay: shame on us

    9 September 2013

    The profession stood and watched the legal decay over many years.

  • Opinion

    Great train robbers: morality tale

    9 September 2013

    Article on great train robbers was not a paean.

  • Opinion

    Arbitrate to uphold justice

    2 September 2013

    If parties choose to arbitrate rather than litigate their dispute, route to justice will be improved.

  • Paul rogerson

    Forever blowing bubbles?


    House prices are soaring again and all is well. Unless you live in Wales.

  • Opinion

    Poorly prepared judges

    05 August 2013

    I am a commercial litigator of some 44 years’ experience and I work in civil courts all over the country. I have noticed over recent years that, with all the problems facing our civil justice system, the efficiency of our judges is rapidly diminishing in one particular area of courtroom ...

  • Opinion

    Credit to Birkenhead court

    05 August 2013

    I am writing to highlight a procedure adopted by our local county court in detailed assessment proceedings. When making an application for detailed assessment, we have to provide an estimated length of hearing which, in view of some of the creative arguments from opponents, has to be at least three ...

  • Opinion

    No publicity for ‘show trials’

    05 August 2013

    Michael Mansfield promotes another of his commissions and tribunals, this time in relation to Lewisham Hospital.

  • Opinion

    Repaying a debt

    22 July 2013

    Armed Forces Legal Action is a nationwide initiative calling on law firms across the UK to provide members of the armed forces community one-third off legal fees. Its aim is to benefit serving personnel and those who have served within two years of engaging the law firm. It also seeks ...

  • Opinion

    Motor insurance: health checks

    22 July 2013

    I was interested to see AXA’s recent report on whiplash – an issue on which we have submitted evidence to the Transport Select Committee. The insurance industry continually issues figures about how much whiplash claims allegedly add on to motor insurance policies every year. However, no one appears to be ...

  • Opinion

    Painting by numbers

    22 July 2013

    I need an outside painting job done at my house. It needs to be done in the summer months in the good weather. So I asked two decorators to give me a quote. One came and looked and I never heard from him again. The other came and looked and ...

  • Opinion

    Legal aid: children suffer

    22 July 2013

    Comments by Charles Falconer QC in The Times law section regarding a tightening of the process in criminal and family care cases are worthy of careful attention. On the face of it, removal of private law family legal aid is serving the same purpose, except that it has produced the ...

  • Opinion

    PI firms not playing by the rules

    15 July 2013

    In the new personal injury claims environment we all have to play by the new rules. The trouble is that there are many firms which are not. I have seen adverts on the internet offering, without qualification, ‘100% compensation’, but when the firm in question is called the offer is ...

  • Opinion

    Stop this PI lawyer-bashing

    15 July 2013

    I read with sadness the letter from Rob Barley. I work for a small practice which mainly deals with personal injury claims. I have in the past month received at least five calls to my firm’s telephone number asking me if I am sure I have not been injured in ...

  • Opinion

    'Posturing' on victim levy

    15 July 2013

    How right Joshua Rozenberg is to pour scorn on the legerdemain of the Ministry of Justice over levying the victim surcharge. This has been brought into effect irrespective of any of the philosophical underpinning or due process safeguards applying to all other financial sanctions. ‘Looking tough’ in this way is ...

  • Opinion

    Hollow laugh with High Court application

    15 July 2013

    There is still amusement in the law. I delivered an application to the High Court today. Royal Mail had lost my previous bundle and I thought it best to hand over a substitute in person (ironically, the case is about a judge who believed in the efficacy of the postal ...