Opinion – Page 50

  • Opinion

    Legal aid: no defence

    9 December 2013

    It is nonsense to suggest that we should be content with the ‘best of a bad job’.

  • Opinion

    Solicitor pay dismay

    9 December 2013

    The recent How To article may have been helpful to law firm owners but it is likely to have been viewed with dismay by some solicitors.

  • Opinion

    Bad manners in law

    9 December 2013

    I am astounded by the lack of manners shown by many in the legal profession. 

  • Nigel Spencer

    Conveyancing made simple

    9 December 2013

    Chancery Lane’s new portal will help firms manage risk, cut costs and serve clients.

  • Opinion

    Legal aid: what’s your alternative?

    2 December 2013

    Chancery Lane is right to want to engage with the government rather than man the barricades and scream defiance.

  • Opinion

    Law Society is out of touch

    2 December 2013

    What most solicitors do not get is why the Society is so chummy with Grayling.

  • Opinion

    Leadership have done their best

    25 November 2013

    Chancery Lane’s leaders have made the best of a bad job on criminal legal aid, however unpalatable that may be.

  • Opinion

    Pro bono disappointment

    25 November 2013

    There appears to be no mention or perhaps no awareness of the fact that it is legal aid firms who do the vast majority of pro bono in this country, unnoticed.

  • Opinion

    March to mediation

    25 November 2013

    The courts are there to do a job, but unfortunately they seem hell-bent on driving those seeking justice away from the courts.

  • Opinion

    Court reality

    25 November 2013

    It should be compulsory for all magistrates to be ex-, or ideally, current offenders, so they can bring reality into the courtroom.

  • Opinion

    Fraud and inducements

    18 November 2013

    The SRA should take the lead and investigate the presence or otherwise of a link between inducements and fraud.

  • Opinion

    Gulf in access to justice

    18 November 2013

    Thanks for shining the spotlight on the gulf in access to justice between the ‘haves’ and the ‘have-nots’.

  • Opinion

    Mediation push

    18 November 2013

    I am alive to the benefits of all types of dispute resolution.

  • Opinion

    Covenant fix

    18 November 2013

    It really is not that difficult to make positive covenants run with the land.

  • Opinion

    No mandatory reporting of child abusers

    11 November 2013

    Prosecuting professionals by association with other people’s child abuse is both misguided and sinister.

  • Opinion

    Checking out chancel repairs

    11 November 2013

    How will changes to chancel repair liabilities affect solicitors?

  • Opinion

    Legal advice tragedy

    11 November 2013

    There are many unintended consequences of scrapping legal advice and assistance.

  • Opinion

    Mediation drop: dereliction of duty

    4 November 2013

    The demise of mediation demonstrates a total disregard for the client among lawyers and court staff alike.

  • Opinion

    Boris led the way in China

    4 November 2013

    Based on the London mayor’s rapturous reception in China, a future trip involving lawyers led by him might be most effective.

  • Opinion

    IP royalties law

    4 November 2013

    If I sell you my IP in return for royalties, and you sell on the IP, shouldn’t the new owner be bound to pay me the royalties?