Opinion – Page 49

  • Opinion

    Nothing less than draconian

    27 January 2014

    Many of us were ‘sleep walking’ into Jackson.

  • Opinion

    MoJ disarray

    27 January 2014

    Why not return to the earlier tried and tested system of the police and the courts contacting direct by reference to the national register?

  • Opinion

    Manners: sound advice

    27 January 2014

    Consider what a love letter would sound like read out in court.

  • Opinion

    Gift ideas?

    27 January 2014

    My personal bugbear is the use of the word ‘gift’ as a verb.

  • Opinion

    Women judges: inconvenient truth

    20 January 2014

    There has been no significant improvement in the proportion of recommendations of women to any of the court judiciary posts.

  • Opinion

    HCtHR: unelected and unaccountable

    20 January 2014

    Human rights court sees itself as an engine of social engineering, but this is properly a matter for elected representatives.

  • Opinion

    City slicker

    20 January 2014

    I was astonished when a City firm found a 35-year-old conveyancing file.

  • Opinion

    LPC reality

    20 January 2014

    There is a staggering oversupply of aspiring lawyers.

  • Opinion

    Are origin investigations money well spent?

    20 January 2014

    The clue to my ethnic origin is in the name.

  • Opinion

    Case management conundrum

    13 January 2014

    Woolf aimed to transfer case management into the hands of the court – an ‘unless’ order is an inadequate remedy.

  • Opinion

    Mitchell moaners

    13 January 2014

    I trust that the whingers will come to understand that what they wrongly perceive as manifest injustice will spawn a whole new industry of professional negligence lawyers.

  • Opinion

    Claimant rights

    13 January 2014

    I sympathise with the solicitors in Mitchell. But how will individual claimants suffer?

  • Opinion

    Frontline facts

    13 January 2014

    Stop ransferring consequences to those practising on the frontline.

  • Opinion

    Apple exemplar

    13 January 2014

    Lawyers should be looking to serve clients first – profits will follow.

  • Opinion

    Costly outcome

    13 January 2014

    Litigators have no realistic alternative to seeking prospective budget variations once the budget is in danger of being exceeded.

  • Opinion

    Grammar gaffes

    13 January 2014

    It is good to know that our profession upholds its standards through quality assurance measures.

  • Opinion

    Local language

    13 January 2014

    The Ministry of Justice set-up using just one language provider is not working.

  • Opinion

    Mitchell: costs bombshell

    9 December 2013

    The Mitchell decision will be catastrophic for lawyers working in civil litigation – my firm will have to reassess its future.

  • Opinion

    Claimants will suffer

    9 December 2013

    The real issues from Mitchell are whether the sanction was proportionate and whether it is right for the court to adjudge that justice in the individual case should take second place to compliance with the rules.

  • Opinion

    Misunderstood Society

    9 December 2013

    James Parry has misunderstood what has been agreed between the Law Society and the Ministry of Justice, and has also misunderstood the relationship between the Society and its members.