Opinion – Page 37

  • Opinion

    Old lawyer

    13 April 2015

    I actually remember most of the articles in Obiter’s Memory Lane.

  • Opinion

    Keeping clients in the loop

    30 March 2015

    Law firms that threaten legal action against clients who have posted adverse comments should first put their own houses in order.

  • Opinion

    Tax avoidance is a duty

    30 March 2015

    At last, some sanity has been introduced to the tax evasion/avoidance debate.

  • Opinion

    Tax: pay your dues

    30 March 2015

    It is moral to pay one’s due in taxes to the state and immoral to avoid doing so.

  • Opinion

    Constitution under scrutiny

    30 March 2015

    Congratulations to everyone involved in a high-quality discussion on the future constitution of the UK.

  • Opinion

    Profile correction

    30 March 2015

    The current Permanent Representative of Panama to the lnternational Maritime Organisation is Arsenio Dominguez.

  • Opinion

    Squeezing out claims

    23 March 2015

    Access to justice is becoming a qualified right which is obliged to be set against the contents of the public purse.

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    Soft-skills support for lawyers

    23 March 2015

    There can be no room for complacency when it comes to digital evolution.

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    Legal aid: let’s adapt

    23 March 2015

    It is every lawyer’s dream to help shape the law, not just react to it. Let’s do that when it comes to funding reforms.

  • Opinion

    Justice and retribution

    23 March 2015

    We have made some gradual progress in understanding the human condition, and we could make some more.

  • Opinion

    Divorce history lesson

    23 March 2015

    Recent Supreme Court divorce ruling raises important legal issues where traditionally the principal focus has been on ‘needs’.

  • Opinion

    Mediation worthy cause

    23 March 2015

    Is it not better to try to avoid the delays and uncertainties of litigation by entering into mediation in good faith?

  • Opinion

    Tax: avoiding the issue

    16 March 2015

    It is not the job of politicians to tell taxpayers and practitioners what is ‘moral’ in relation to tax avoidance.

  • Opinion

    True denial of justice

    16 March 2015

    When will common sense return to the legal process?

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    ADR anxiety

    16 March 2015

    We do not need judges to wag fingers at us and point us in the direction of alternative dispute resolution.

  • Opinion

    Conveyancing code breaker

    16 March 2015

    There needs to be some further professional guidance to aid buyers’ conveyancers when raising case-specific additional enquiries.

  • Opinion

    Free will power

    16 March 2015

    The trouble with using language to express ideas is that deciding on an alternative definition of free will magically returns it to our universe.

  • Opinion

    Criminal lack of resources

    9 March 2015

    Government pledge to bring in more intermediaries to help witnesses and defendants is welcome, but criminal justice needs more.

  • Opinion

    Law’s monopoly on punishment

    9 March 2015

    If punishment is limited to deterrence, a victim, or victim’s family, may consider that justice has not been done.

  • Opinion

    HRA: show me the evidence

    9 March 2015

    The principal effect of the Human Rights Act is to prolong litigation to make more money for lawyers.