Opinion – Page 35

  • Opinion

    Pulling cab rank

    29 June 2015

    The cab rank rule so often espoused by the bar does not apply to hackney carriages either.

  • Opinion

    Wrong on summary justice

    22 June 2015

    The benefits of TSJ - swifter justice with fewer hearings and more effective trials - apply most notably for victims and witnesses.

  • Opinion

    Justice built on sand?

    22 June 2015

    Over recent weeks, my experience in the magistrates’ court has not been encouraging.

  • Opinion

    Empty offences

    22 June 2015

    Roger Smith surprised me with his views on the Offences against the Person Act 1861.

  • Opinion

    Chilcot poser

    22 June 2015

    Politicians who want to see passages of draft Chilcot inquiry have double standards on access to justice.

  • Opinion

    Social mobility


    The chairman and senior partner of Linklaters responds to our story ‘Elite firms accused of “poshness test”’.

  • Opinion

    Exporting UK legal success

    15 June 2015

    The government should do more to promote the export of UK legal services – how else are we going to fend off international competition?

  • Opinion

    Pro bono donation from MPs?

    15 June 2015

    Maybe politicians could fill the gap left by legal aid cuts by paying into a fund?

  • Opinion

    When the price is right

    8 June 2015

    The rebound in employment tribunal claims is occurring unevenly as firms with sophisticated pricing strategies get most work.

  • Opinion

    Shape up on immigration

    8 June 2015

    With a Conservative government intent on an even tougher approach to immigration, now would be a very good time to ensure all the paperwork is in order.

  • Opinion

    PI: better to kill than maim?

    1 June 2015

    A review of fatal accident claims is needed to consider an increase in awards and widening the categories of those who benefit.

  • Opinion

    Forensic science: unsplendid isolation

    1 June 2015

    Robust, independent and properly funded forensic science services are viewed by our government as inconvenient extras.

  • Opinion

    PDF error

    1 June 2015

    Skipton is taking steps to alter the form, get it reprinted and put it back on website as soon as possible.

  • Opinion

    Jackson is out of touch

    1 June 2015

    It never ceases to amaze me how manifestly out of touch some of the judiciary seem to be.

  • Opinion

    Separate ways

    1 June 2015

    Perhaps the Law Society can be encouraged to create a separate lender representation protocol?

  • Opinion

    Will Aid promotion

    1 June 2015

    Solicitors who sign up to the scheme find that our nationwide publicity drives new clients through their doors.

  • Opinion

    Training wreck

    1 June 2015

    Law firms need to invest more in trainees.

  • Opinion

    Cab rank myth

    1 June 2015

    I have yet to meet a solicitor who believes barristers must take on any case.

  • Opinion

    Legal advice for all

    18 May 2015

    We need to be more imaginative in providing legal advice for people with no money, by working together with help from law firms.

  • Opinion

    National strategy needed

    18 May 2015

    Citizens Advice is not looking at a national programme to charge for advice.