Harpreet Powar

Harpreet Powar

Obiter is accustomed to taking a jaundiced view of all matters legal, so it is uplifting to bring you a feel-good item for a change. Aspiring solicitor Harpreet Powar got in touch to share the news that after seven school transfers, six foster placements and 13 years in the care system, she attained a law degree from the University of Birmingham last week.

Since she was a young child in care, the 21-year-old said she was often advised to be ‘realistic’ about her career ambitions. She says this is unsurprising for children in care ‘as their potential is often dismissed on the basis of their upbringing’.

Law became a vocation from an early age. She wanted to do a job where she could make a positive difference, working with children in care. While browsing university courses, she saw law. ‘I knew then. It stood out to me.’

Now a proud law graduate, Powar is working full-time as a legal secretary in the family law department at Smith Dawson Solicitors. She is planning to do the Solicitors Qualifying Exam. Aim high, Harpreet.