We seem to have heard less from barrister Jolyon Maugham KC’s Good Law Project since Labour swept into power. So Obiter was intrigued to spot a job advertisement offering an insight into one of the campaigning organisation’s latest crusades.

GLP is recruiting an investigative journalist for ‘Project Dark Money’, which aims to expose the ‘Tufton Street axis’ of libertarian thinktanks billeted at that swish Westminster address.

The salary on offer is £60,000 per annum. A City NQ wouldn’t get out of bed for such a trifling sum, of course, but it’s actually not a bad wedge for a job in Obiter’s increasingly beleaguered trade.

Looks like a tough gig, though. The successful applicant will be charged with delivering a ‘pipeline of exposés that will win commissions from the UK’s leading news outlets, including broadcast where possible, thereby… helping to clean up our politics’. Obiter concurs heartily that ‘he who pays the piper calls the tune’. But if it were remotely straightforward to root out and expose Tufton Street’s bashful backers – and their allegedly sinister agendas – it would have been done long since.

With that in mind, perhaps, the successful applicant will be employed on a 12-month fixed-term contract.

