The ears of Middle England and Wales went puce with shock this week as long-serving DJ Ken Bruce (pictured above) announced he will leave BBC Radio 2 in March. Bruce has presented his mid-morning show on the station for 31 years and has built a sizeable following for his daily quiz PopMaster, where two contestants battle it out to prove their music knowledge.

The presenter’s departure naturally caused listeners to wonder what will happen to the feature – would it disappear altogether or be taken over by his successor?

But Bruce fans needn’t have worried, as it turns out the veteran DJ has a decent legal mind as well as a soothing voice. Bruce owns the trade mark on PopMaster: he registered it back in 1998. The trade mark extends to board games and video games associated with the quiz, as well as the production, distribution and presentation of it on radio programmes. So Bruce can pack up the quiz and bring it with him to his new job at Greatest Hits Radio.

The winner takes it all, as Bruce has no doubt played many times before.
