Obiter confesses to being a little tired on Friday, the Leicester South result having come in at about 3.30am, and South West Norfolk declaring just before 7am. But we weren’t just here for the results – Obiter is very much there for the psephological analysis that broadcasters lay on.

Disappointing, then, that there were no figures analysed through the lens of candidates who were lawyers. This can be partially fixed though, and some number crunching has now been done on lawyer-candidates who will now enter the Commons for the first time.

Here goes.

Some 485,613 lucky voters cast their ballot for one of the 27 lawyers who now enter the Commons. A higher proportion of Labour’s lawyers who stood than for any other party - 68.75% - were elected. For Liberal Democrats, admittedly just two in this group, 50% made it first past the post. Just 30.77% of Conservative lawyers were returned for their constituencies.

The average vote for a successful Labour lawyer was 18,306; Conservatives, 14,546; Liberal Democrat(s), 24,709.

So, staying with the Lib Dems, its new Wimbledon MP, law academic Paul Kohler is the new entrant lawyer with the biggest personal mandate. The smallest endorsement was for Isle of Wight East's new Conservative MP, solicitor Joe Robertson.

There, that passed the time waiting for Sir Keir Starmer KC’s Downing Street Speech. Though, pace Samuel Beckett, it would have passed anyway.

Liberal Democrat candidate Paul Kohler

Kohler is the new entrant lawyer with the biggest personal mandate

Source: Alamy
