Our new crop of MPs will have received a nasty shock in the post last week: a letter from Mayfair law firm ‘Silver, Langston and Percival’ threatening defamation action in the US. ‘You may be aware that penal damages (which would no doubt be awarded in this case given your malicious intent) are available in libel suits in some US jurisdictions. We expect our client could be awarded 7-figure damages…’ The letter – which is headed ‘Strictly Confidential & Legally Privileged Without Prejudice Not for publication’ – trundles on bloodcurdlingly.

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Source: iStock

The missive is, in fact, a publicity stunt. It was composed by the UK Anti-SLAPP Coalition from phrases that have appeared in correspondence over real cases of strategic litigation against public participation. The coalition hopes the letter ‘will highlight the impact of receiving such correspondence and the need to bring forward an anti-SLAPP Law’.

We can’t help wondering which genuine firm ‘Silver, Langston and Percival’ is modeled upon, but for obvious reasons are disinclined to speculate here.
