Obiter has no doubt that the MoJ had a busy summer.

But what with one thing and another the department appears to have forgotten about a series of pledges made back in March about the government’s commitment to promote legal services abroad.

We recall a speech at magic circle firm Allen & Overy in which justice secretary Chris Grayling unveiled his Legal Services Action Plan. By September, the plan was to develop promotional material, promote a marketing strategy and ‘develop and enhance existing tools’ (Obiter was never quite sure what this last one actually meant).

Readers will have noticed it is now September. The nights are drawing in and the heating has gone on. So, where are the enhanced tools?

On their way, it seems. The Ministry of Justice tells us it is ‘currently working’ on the plan, which will see the light of day at the end of this month. It will be part of a marketing strategy across Whitehall.

UK Trade and Industry, the MoJ’s partner on the action plan, is more bashful. Despite numerous requests for information, Obiter has yet to receive an update on progress.
