Law Society’s Gazette, 6 November 1991

Bar to tackle sex bias

The Bar Council has committed to a comprehensive anti-sex discrimination programme following a 102 to 19 vote in favour of a resolution by the Association of Women Barristers (AWB) at the Bar’s annual general meeting last weekend.

Putting forward the resolution, AWB committee member Barbara Hewson pointed out that women make up only 18% of the practising Bar and several sets had either no women at all or just one or two. She recalled being dissuaded by a clerk from applying to a particular set because, as he put it, ‘they’ve already got two’.

Those against the resolution, mostly men, argued principally that the Bar, which is facing a 15% increase in subscriptions next year, could not afford to undertake expensive research. There were more pressing issues to be addressed like chasing up unpaid fees, they said.

The Law Society’s Gazette, November 1971

Public Relations Workshop - solicitors all look the same

‘I find that I can recognise solicitors in the street now - they all look the same. I don’t know whether it’s the glazed expression in their eyes, or the looking down their noses at us lesser people…’

This was one of several taped quotes about solicitors that were specially collected by John Behague of Radio Brighton and played to 22 representatives of 11 local law societies at a public relations workshop held in Brighton on October 29.

Mr Victor Gorringe, editor-in-chief of the Southern Publishing Co. Ltd., was the guest speaker at luncheon and he offered some criticism of the legal profession particularly in relation to ‘small claims’. His address stimulated a spirited defence from the solicitors attending.

After lunch, Mr Behague, Programme Organiser at Radio Brighton, gave a presentation of the work of the radio station and the type of programmes that were broadcast. His tape of ‘off the cuff’ quotes from the public about solicitors was received with some amusement, but all who attended the meeting were delighted to hear that ‘there’s an awful lot more humanity about them than people might imagine…’.

Letter to the editor

Weekly Gazette

I attended the recent P.R. Workshop in Brighton and was most interested to learn from the Editor the reasoning behind the decision to alter the Gazette to a weekly publication.

I have looked at the ‘dummy’ given out at Brighton, and I am firmly of the opinion that this is a great improvement. As mentioned to you once before I think the present size of the Gazette creates a psychological barrier, i.e. I think people put it in their briefcase to read at some time when they feel reasonably serious, but that time seldom comes as once out of the office it seems too much to tackle.

I do not know whether this impression is shared by many, but it certainly is mine.

I am sure that the new layout will overcome this simply because it appears far more interesting and I think more readable. I am firmly of the view that the right decision has been made, and I wish the new Gazette every success.

Ian Miller Poole, Dorset