Law Society’s Gazette, February, 1971

The Law Society should start a racing car club

I have felt for some time that we solicitors are very often far too apologetic about our profession and do not go out of our way to take the pride in our professional status and ability which I’m sure we all deserve.

It occurs to me that it would be no bad thing if solicitors who partake in recreational activities could, where possible, do something to fly the Law Society’s flag a little higher.

My own particular sport is motor racing, and having recently become the proud owner of a racing car, I have... arranged to have the car repainted in the Law Society’s colours and to bear the Law Society’s crest on the side... It occurred to me that there must be a substantial number of other practising solicitors who also enjoy motor racing, and I wonder whether it would be possible to form a Law Society’s sports and racing car club, with a recognised set of colours (say blue and gold), so that solicitors who partake in this particular sport could be recognised by the general public as being members of our profession (and proud of it) and so that individual members competing in events outside their immediate area can recognise fellow practitioners.

Ultimately, if enough interest was shown, I would like to see The Law Society’s Racing and Sports Car Club (if one is formed) fielding a team of cars in, for example, the Formula Ford championship. This would not only provide good sport for the participating members, but also I think do something to contribute to the Society’s public image, which is regrettably Dickensian. The formation of a Law Society Racing Car Club might also have a side advantage in that certainly my own car constructor and other car constructors also might be prepared to offer cars at a reduced rate if a bulk order were obtained from the club, and thus individual members could obtain the benefit of belonging to such an association.

Perhaps some young and enthusiastic members might care to take up this idea and see what can be done.

J.J. Ferguson, Bideford, North Devon

Would those interested in joining a Law Society Racing Car Club write in the first instance to the editor.